
COVID-19 Algunas recomendaciones para las au pairs frente a la emergencia sanitaria. Que puedo hacer para protegerme? Evitar ir a sitios concurridos. Mantener una higiene adecuada de manos. No realizar viajes innecesarios. Crees que estas enfermo? Cuales son los síntomas? Fiebre, tos y sensación de falta de aire. Probablemente pasarás más tiempo en casa y con …

AuPair Day 24 November

The 24th of November has been established as the international au pair day. From AEPA we want to celebrate it with all of you. We would like to organize a meeting in Madrid with all the au pairs who are in Spain including a big party in the Kapital Club in Madrid.It would be the …

Summer AuPair in Spain

Summer AuPair in Spain Once again in January we started working with the summer AuPair placements in Spain. There are already many Spanish host families who have requested us their next summer aupair. If you have 1 to 3 months, you want to learn Spanish, live with a Spanish family and spend time with the …

Spanish Clichés

Spanish Clichés I was talking with my sister the other day and she mentioned an anecdote that occurred to her after a business meeting with partners from different countries. One of her French colleagues ordered Sangria in a bar where they went to have some tapas. After noting my sister’s shock face, the French colleague …

Au Pair Program Spain, advantages

Au Pair program in Spain, the advantages to improve your Spanish When you live in the country of the language you want to learn, without realizing it, you are acquiring not only the living language spoken also the culture of the country that will help you to embrace the language and the “way of think” …